109 couples performed Kalisapooja
On the occasion of Gurupournami, a Mahayagym was organized on Friday for the welfare of the world at the Tatayyaswamy Ashram in Basampalli in the Mandal. Ashram President Parmasansthanam Chairperson Sri Sri Sri Pradbatan Sri Yogimukteshwari Mataji officiated the event. The program started with Omkar first. Afterward, 109 couples performed Kalisapooja From 9 am to 10 am, the Mahayagna Homas was performed with devotional zeal. Under the auspices of Mataji, homas were held amidst the chanting of the trust members. Devotees from different parts of the country came in large numbers to participate in this Mahayagyam. On this occasion, the members of the trust said that under the auspices of Parmasamasthanam, such massive programs would be organized every two months in some zone of the district. Trust Secretary Ramanjineyachari, Deputy Secretary Malli Karjuna, Treasurer Nagbhushan, Convener Manijnanashree, Gorakati Pothireddy, Ashram workers Nimmalakunta Adi Narayana, Jinka Rajendra Prasad, and Basampalli villagers participated in the pooja