Sri Sri Sri Pradbatan Sri Yogimuktheswari Mataji, the founding president of the Sri Sri Sri Paramapita Sri Venkataramanacharya Guruvu Charitable Trust, said that the essence lies in serving the poor.

Under the auspices of the town’s Paramapita Sri Sri Sri Paranapita Sri Venkataramanacharya Charitable Trust, clothes and alms were donated to the elderly.

MLA Gonuguntla Suryanarayana praised the services of the Paramasansthan Trust Board. The MLA along with Sri Sri Sri Pradbatan yogimukteshwari Mathaji started free sewing and computer training classes organized by the Board of Trustees in Gotur village under the Mandal as part of Sri Sri Sri Paramapita Sri Venkataramanacharya Guruvu Charitable Trust worship festival.

Under the auspices of the local Sri Venkataramanacharya Charitable Trust, watermelon fruits were distributed to the people during the summer.

17-06- 2016
MLA Gonuguntla Suryanarayana said that efforts are being made to set up an industry in Gottlour village in the zone to enable women to get self-employment.

The Local Sarpanch Shivayya on Friday inaugurated a buttermilk distributionCenter set up under the auspices of Sri Sri Sri Paramapitha Sri Venkataramanacharya guruvu Charitable Trust at Gotluru in the zone. Utla Parusha was organized in Gottlour on the occasion of Sri Ramanavami.

Municipal Beere Gopalakrishna on Monday inaugurated a garments training camp under the auspices of Parama Samasthanam at Gotluru village in the zone.